CaMaR : A Journey to be better muslims

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::Ok -Sister's turn ::

Alhamdulillah, dapat jugak join usrah minggu ni. Faiz jadi mc dan meng-introduce wahid. Wahid pun ajak kitorang beramai-ramai baca surah As-sharh. (Surah ke-94 yg start dgn 'alam nasyrah' tu..).

Dan Wahid pun berkongsi tentang surah ini...:
1-surah ni adalah tasliyah = yg memberi kelapangan/penghibur hari rasulullah
2-ayat 2: nama Rasulullah dinaikkan martabatnya = Disekalikan di dalam kalimah syahadah selepas pengakuan keesaan Allah.
3-terkandung ttg penegasan terhadap nikmat Allah ta'ala
4-ayat 5-6 : mengingatkan kita yang disamping setiap kesukaran ada kesenangan (top up: setiap bangunan ada fire exits =)

[top up: ayat 9-10 : "So when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself for Allah's worship. And to your Lord (alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes"
- kalau rasa dah penat dgn kerja2 keduniaan kita ni, bawak2lah solat sunat/berzikir(mengingati) Allah ta'ala =). InshaAllah bole regain our strength and motivation]

Dan Wahid menyambung lagi tentang "The Fundamentals of Islam":
1-Fair treatment to other people
2-Honour and respect to other people : Not to call people with bad names (names that they dont like)
3-Immunity : prohibition of making mischief in this world
4-The rights of the weaks : 17:23-24
5-The rights of the orphans
6-The rights of the children : al-an'am:151
7-The rights of the sicks
8-The rights of the elderly

:: Anak Ayam vs Anak TaiKore ::

Tempat: Rumah Syed/Nash/Azzam
Menu: buah tembikai susu manis2
masa : 1130pm

Alhamdulillah, selepas penat bermain, Anak Ayam ( dan juga warga Muslimin Camar ) sempat meluangkan masa mengikuti sessi usrah harini.
Usrah dimulakan oleh Akhie Rasyid dan di teruskan oleh Akhie Taufiq dgn hafalan surah Al Qariah.
Selepas itu, usrah di teruskan dgn pembentangan semula mengenai solat jamak & Qasar oleh Akhie Azzim.
Adapun ekoran bnyk soklan mengenai solat Jamak pd perjumpaan lepas, Akhie Taufiq menjawab soklan mengenai solat di atas flight.
Kita kena solat bila tiba airport mengikut masa kat airport tu, kalo malam solat la maghrib/isyak.... tp dlm flight tak di mestikan utk solat. Tapi kalo nak solat utk menghormati waktu apa salahnya...Masalah di flight timbul sbb kalo kita balik ke Malaysia, dia malam/ siang x kan nak solat zohor jer....
pastu solat ikut matahari. so kalo ada matahari maka solat zohor/asar....tpt2 yg gelap2 cam dekat kutub tu, xder org tinggal...sbb xder matahari..( logic kan? ) tp rasa nyer kat kutub ada matahri, cuma singkat sgt siang nyer.....
Usrah di akhiri dgn setiap ahli usrah bg pendapat 'apa kepentingan usrah'.
sekian, jumpa lagi minggu depan, Insya Allah Usrah Camar akan meng outline kan apa plan2 utk Ramadhan yg akan dtg.....huhuuuuuu

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::iN naSeeHah We Grow TogeTher ::

InshaAllah..more ISNA notes =)

Attaching Ourselves to the words of Allah
by Imam Mukhtar Maghroui

# Quran : The rope of Allah Ta'ala
No Rope, No Hope =(

#The Farther we go from Allah's word,
The farther we are from the source of peace.

#But, How?
-Inna nahnu nazzalna zikra
-The most beautiful,liberating zikr are the words of Allah Ta'ala.
-The longer we are in the zikr, the more we be with Him Azzawajall.

#Attachment to Allah azzawajall = JOY

-Generates 'sweetness' in the heart until people dont want 'to eat' anything else.
-A man whose heart is attached to the masjeed will be in HIS house:the most beloved
place to Allah Azzawajall (ahabbun biladi ilallah)
-keeps away bad friends

#If you read the Quran, there'll be a veil between you and the transgressors on the day of
judgement. (very attached to the Quran)

#Du'a one of the soliheen:
" O Allah, if You had given one of your 'ibad(slaves), the honor of reciting Quran in the
grave, please grant it to me.."

-and only ALLAH knows the best-

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::In Naseehah, We Grow Together ::

Ramadhan! Ramadhan! It's coming soon...very soon. Have we prepared our best to celebrate the blessed month?
Let's read Ramadan Warriors [By Muhammad Al-Shareef] and get some insights, advises, and motivation before Sha'aban ends and Ramadhan comes.

"Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha - radiAllahu 'anha - observes, "Allah's Messenger never fasted an entire month other than Ramadan and I haven't seen him fast more than he did in Sha'baan."

~It's better late than never~

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::Assalamua'laykum warahmatullah ::

My dear sisters and brothers: In Naseehah, we GROW together =) inshaAllah. Just wanna share my ISNA's notes (in addtn to omar's). Make du'a that I'll be able to post the rest of my notes here.

::live webcast of Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef’s farewell lecture ::

Assalamu alaikum!

Join us at for a live webcast of Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef’s farewell lecture at Darussalaam, College Park, MD

In this live webcast, sponsored by, Sheikh Muhammad will be expounding on the lessons we learn from the life of Prophet Eesa (alayh salam). Rightly so, Prophet Eesa’s compelling connection to us as the Ummah of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) will be talked about, as well as his virtue of patience, wisdom, humility and the gratefulness to Allah (azza wajall).

Date: Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
Time: 8 PM EST
Where: Darussalaam, College Park, MD
LIVE Online:

InshAllah, invite your family, friends and circles of influence to join us for THE LAST SUPPER.

assalamu alaikum
EmanRush Audio

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:: Usrah Brothers ::

tempat : rumah atas Dolce Vita
menu : mee hun( deria rasa di tarik balik sementara ) dgn ayam dicelah2
naqib : Rasyid
naqib undangan : Munsip

Alhamdulillah, walaupon ramai yg ke Siam, namum ada juga yg dtg utk memeriahkan usrah kali ni. Usrah di mulakan dgn pebentangan oleh Akhie Munsip, mengenai solat Jamak & Qasar.
-menghimpun kan 2 solat. zohor & asar, maghrib & isyak
- jamak taqdim- menghimpunkan solat2 di awal waktu, cth zohor & asar di waktu zohor
-jamak takhir - menghimpunkan di akhir waktu
- memendekkan : hanya utk zohor, asar dgn isyak jer
Jamak & Qasar:
-gabung dua2 laaaaa
sapa bleh jamak/qasar?
- dlm perjalanan/musafir lebih 2 marhalah ( kira2 90 km )
- jamak sbb hujan lebat/etc setelah imam kat masjid tu decide, sbb takut nanti jemaah x dpt pegi masjid utk solat slp tu....cth ketika maghrib tetiba hujan lebat2, lalu imam decide utk jamak dgn isyak..

majlis di akhiri dgn questions pasal solat kat atas kapal terbang....semua ahli2 usrah cam kompius...lupa lak apa jwpn ustaz2......sapa2 gi uqbah tanyakan imam ibrahim.

next week? di mana yer?

slps abes usrah, ramai lagik muslim tiba...Alhamdulillah dpt mengeratkan silaturrahim...almaklumlaa...bila lagik muslimin CASE nak berkumpul kalo bkn time usrah ( sekali seminggu ) dan ketika main bola....

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:: ISNA datang lagik ::


The Tongue : walking the talk all the way to Jannah
by Imam Mokhtar.

alhamdulillah, ramai sungguh org kat Rosemont B. semua nak dgr smbg Imam mokhtar nyer lecture about purification, setiap pg dan kami miss yg pagi nyer session, heart & mind.
dalam lecture ni, Imam Mokthar gave some examples about how Nabi used his tounge to say a good things. for example, one day Nabi walked with Aishah, and some youth greeted him ' Samualaikum = death be upon you ' and Nabi replied ' waalaikum = be upon you too'. Aishah got agrier and she replied ' death be upon you too and curse you..........[ with other cursing words]'. Hearing Aishah cursing the youth, Nabi said to Aishah ' take it easy'. Here we can learn 2 'clear' message from Nabi :
1. When someone is cursing/ talking to you with a bad words, you need to think carefully what to reply. Dont use bad words.
2. Dont scold someone who curse back, but try to calm him.
Nabi told Aishah to be gentle and he did that withgentleness.
Second example, about one man peeing in Masjid Nabi. People in the masjid were mad with him,a nd when Nabi entered the masjid, he stopped the jemaah from harming the person, and explaining to the person why he can't pee in the masjid ( there's a hadith about this, check it out )
Nabi says ( check Hadith yerk )
1. " tell to my umat, say only good things and ahsan ( yg terbaik)"
2. "speak khairan ( anything yg baik & ada connection dgn Allah ) or keep quiet "

Love is sign of Faith, Hate is a sign of hypocrisy
by Altaf Hussien
Nabi says ' you dont enter jannah until you belief and you dont belief until you love one anaother.
Ada bnyk hadith pasal brotherhood
1. Abu Bakar percaya nabi ke israk mikraj, and ketika nabi wafat. dia juga membebaskan Bilal.
2. Umar al Khattab benci akan umat islam masa kafir, tetapi setelah dia jadi muslim dia sangat sayang dgn Islam ( bkn ni cth dia )

Anger Management 101
Imam Al Shareef
1.From Abu hurairah ra " on day a man came to the prophet, 'please advice me' and nabi said ' dont get angry' . he came again and again and that what Nabi answered him.
2.Abdullah Al Mubarak kata ' ;eft aside you anger, tp summarizekan good characters. esp masa kita tgh bengang2 dgn kwn kita, lupakan sengkete igt apa kebaikan dia...dgn itu dpt hilang sedikit anger kita tu
3 kenapa iblis x sujud pd nabi Adam as? iblis got angry, pastu dia arrogant sbb konon2 dia aa yg the best makhluk, then dia x sujud... kita bleh kata yg anger tu yg membuatkan benda2 jahat lps tu dtg...hinggalaa iblis jadi jahat hingga skrg.
4. semua benda yg haram dtg sbb anger
5. ' the noble of anger is when it's channeling with hikmah' !. cth? kalo org tanya kita. kenapa hafal 5 surahs jerk? kita pon tunggu! ...jgn kita pukul kita review balik...'aah btol kata cikgu, saya sepatutnyer hafal lebih bnyk surah' kita pon terus merajinkan diri utk hafal bnyk surah...:)
6. prophet from his sunnah he always smlling. kalo ada org langgar batasan agama yg buatkan dia angry, org2 akan senyap.....selalu nabi dia x kan jerit2 dia akan bg signs ( cth nyer x pandang muka) org tau dia angry ( ada cth lupa citer full dia )
7. anger immediately move to action. cth, nabi masuk dlm rumah and nampak gambar tergantung, and dia terus koyakkan ambar tu ( hadith full dia ada...check nanti)
8 Nabi Ibrahim, dia kapakkan idol2, and bila org tanya...sapa yg kapakkan idol yg besar sekali tu, dia kata ' tanyala pd idol tu' tu kata ' idol x leh ckp' nabi ibrahim kata' kalo x leh ckp asal sembah'?.....kita lihat bagai mana Nabi ibrahim control marah dia....kalo kita lama sudah kita curse org2 kafir tu...
9. jgn curse sb tu doa. esp kpd parents, jgn curse anak kita ' cth.....pergilaa main, pergi main bola sampai lewat mlm, biar x balik'....doa tu....kalo btol2 Allah kabulkan, anak tu x balik sampai bila2.
10. sbb ada 2 malaikat kita yg akan kata ' Amin and for you the same '
11. nak kawen?. kalo nak, doakan kawan kita tu in their absence. pastu nanti Allah & Malaikat akan amin kan and juga mendoakan kita :)
12. Anger is not a reaction but it's a choice.

Altaf Hussien
1. kalo kta x leh control anger, mcm mana nak suruh org supaya jgn marah?
2. focus with the issue, bkn org tue...sbb selalu kalo kita gaduh, ia meleret2 sampai ke personal things
3 we can still win with gentleness, not by getting angry.


Rujukan Penuh hadith/ayat quran
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet said, "Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith:
1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else.
2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake.
3. Who hates to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the fire."

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) observed: The sign of a hypocrite is the hatred against the Ansar and the sign of a believer is the love for the Ansar. (sahih Muslim 108)

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:: Usrah Brother ::

Tempat : Rumah depan Mayfield (Drummer,Abal,Payen)
Masa : 930 malam
Agenda :
-Maza ya'ni (1.7)
-Islamic Manners (Acabi)
-Fiqh: solat musafir (Munsif & Azim)

jom belake!

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:: Usrah Brother ::

Tempat : Rumah 1960, 120th St
Masa : 1000 malam
Agenda :
i. Quran
ii. Hadeeth 40
iii. Maza ya'ni
iv. Islamic manner
v. Fiqh : Al-Masah

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:: Not in the name of Islam Petition ::

"We, the undersigned Muslims, wish to state clearly that those who commit
acts of terror, murder and cruelty in the name of Islam are not only
destroying innocent lives, but are also betraying the values of the faith
they claim to represent. No injustice done to Muslims can ever justify the
massacre of innocent people, and no act of terror will ever serve the cause
of Islam. We repudiate and dissociate ourselves from any Muslim group or
individual who commits such brutal and un-Islamic acts. We refuse to allow
our faith to be held hostage by the criminal actions of a tiny minority
acting outside the teachings of both the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him."

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:: Muhasabah ::

Dalam menjalani proses kehidupan, kita sering terleka atau lebih tepat dilekakan oleh perasaan cinta kita yang semakin menebal kepada dunia yang kita diami
Jarang walau sekali kita memikirkan kehidupan yang bakal kita tempuhi pada hari yang dijanjikan untuk kita hidup selamanya.

Walaupun seminit atau tempoh masa kurang daripada itu yang kita ambil untuk berfikir dan merancang kehidupan kita di alam akhirah, masa yang kita gunakan tersebut sebenarnya merupakan masa yang paling berharga dan merupakan masa yang paling kita manfaatkan untuk hari tersebut. Dengan berfikir tentang qiamat, hati kita berasa terpanggil untuk menghisab perkara yang telah kita lakukan dan perkara yang sedang kita rancangkan lantas hati kita akan menilai semula yang mana baik dan yang mana tidak.

Proses pemikiran ini akan mematangkan seorang muslim, dan akan menjadikannya seorang yang lebih berwaspada dalam tindak tanduk seharian. Justeru umat Islam digalakkan bermuhasabah, sekurang-kurangnya sekali setiap hari. Masa yang biasa diamalkan ialah sebelum tidur, namun pada bila-bila masa pun sebenarnya adalah tidak mengapa kerana mengingati Allah seeloknya berlaku...

...pada setiap masa.

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:: Usrah September 3rd ::

Alhamdulillah semalam usrah di rumah Gomonad.
Gombak, Momon, Bad, Abal(c), Ameer, Bob, Azad, Taufiq, Azim serta Acap.
Mula dengan ta'aruf serta perkenalkan usrah Case kepada Azim dan Acap.
Sempat membincangkan 3 kategori manusia yg berperang dalam usaha menguasai diri sendiri (Bab 1.6 Maza Ya'ni)

Kemudian bercerita tentang pengalaman sepanjang Summer 2004 di kalangan yang hadir dalam usrah kali ini. Inshaallah akan bersambung minggu depan pulak =)

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