CaMaR : A Journey to be better muslims

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:: Nawawi Foundation ::

Nawawi Foundation!!

:: MSA East Conference ::

MSA East Conference!!

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:: Laporan ::

Wahh makin hebat adik -beradik kat camar ni..
malam td usrah walaupun lambat dan letih
ramai plak tu yg datang
terharu sangat-sangat
thanks guys!!

malam td
lepas buat tasmi' quran
dan juga betulkan bacaan quran,
sambung bab saya mestilah muslim dr sudut aqeedah
no 12-16 dr buku maza ya'ni
lepas tu citer pasal bid'ah
mengupas hadeeth ke 5 dalam matan arba'in

di sinilah bermula interaksi yg sungguh bermanfaat
dimulakan dengan glay
yg aktif dengan menjawab persoalan mengenai takut
"bolehkah kita takut kpd harimau sedangkan kita patut lebih takut kepada Allah ??"
bagaimana pendapat korang?

lepas tu masa cerita pasa rasul,
glay lagi mencelah bertanya mengenai perkara semasa
ya'ni berkenaan cerita yg hangat di pawagam
(semalam ade tayangan die Severence Hall)
tajuk : "The Passion of the Christ"
any comment?

Selepas tu, kami memulakan modul baru dalam usrah
dengan memperkenalkan buku berkenaan islamic manners
dan semalam baru start mengupas foreword
daripada Syeikhul Islam Hassan Al-Banna
mengutarakan pendapat yg bernas mengenai kepentingan 'Adab
dan must_nap mengingatkan kami semua
akan tugas rasulullah dengan hadeeth:
"Innamaa buistu li utammi makaarimal akhlaaq"
-sesungguhnya aku (rasulullah) diutuskan untuk menyempurnakan akhlak-

minggu depan must_nap akan menyambung
bab islamic manner, menggunakan buku yg sama
dan ia akan berpindah-pindah tangan lagi

go usrah camar!!
we love you

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:: Usrah 2/27 ::

10 malam di Clarke!
silibus ade dalam email =)

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:: USRAH sis ::

Erm... terlewat pulak laporan usrah kali ni

Alhamdulillah usrah berjalan pada hari dan masa yang sama minggu lepas.
Terima kasih utk suite 502 clarke tower dan tetamu-tetamunya.

Dimulakan dengan kisah Umar r.a dan teladan gadis yg bertaqwa
Yang kemudiannya menjadi ibu kepada Umar junior (Umar Al-a'ziz)

Membincangkan mengenai awareness pada Allah ta'ala
Fadzkurni adzkurkum, wasykuruli wala takfurun

Pesan Imam sufyan at-thauri:
Watch the all Knower
Hope on the ONE who can fulfill
Careful with the ONE who has the punishment

Balance kanlah
Pengharapan (khauf)
Ketakutan (raja')
pada Allah Azzawajall

Berdzikr lah
dengan Quran

Last but not least
Imarahkan Muharam
Moga dgn kesempatan ini
Kita perbanyakkan taubat
Perbanyakkan kebajikan

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:: Bantuan diperlukan - ISR Penn State ::

ads_1203 (9:42:35 PM): salaam
ads_1203 (9:42:43 PM): jazakaallah sbb tanye
ads_1203 (9:42:58 PM): ISR PSU satu hari saje insyaAllah
ads_1203 (9:43:20 PM): nak buat menarik tapi tak tau lah camner keadaannye...
ads_1203 (9:43:26 PM): kekuatan kurang sket nih
ads_1203 (9:43:29 PM): capacity?
ads_1203 (9:43:38 PM): stud case nak dtg ramai?
ads_1203 (9:43:40 PM): silakann
ads_1203 (9:43:44 PM): and by the
ads_1203 (9:43:46 PM): btw
ads_1203 (9:43:53 PM): ana nak mintak tolong juga
ads_1203 (9:44:01 PM): askar2 dari case yg pandai memasak
ads_1203 (9:44:14 PM): utk bantu kami disini nnti yg akan memasakk
ads_1203 (9:44:30 PM): lead by bro Farid most probbly
ads_1203 (9:44:40 PM): insyaALlah..doakan utk kami nih
ads_1203 (9:44:45 PM): susahh tau!
ads_1203 (9:44:47 PM): wassalam

:: Jom Usrah ! ::

Call for sisters!
Jangan lupa malam ni Jam 730 tempat biasa =)
Clarke tower

:: Laporan ::

Seperti biasa, lepas usrah ada laporan dia
malam tadi alhamdulillah berlangsung dengan baik skali
ramai yg datang - especially freshmen
wajah segar yg bakal mewarisi kemurnian suasana di Case

Special thanks to:
Juwe-melevox, Sanfeng, Momon, Dolah, Rasyid, zahid83, Gedombak, Must_nap,
vzard, acu_ameer, zi_nim, scuderia, dean)
yg telah menceriakan suite 301
semoga para malaikat membacakan nama2 ibu bapa kalian
sepanjang bersama dalam majlis ilmu

apa yg dibincangkan? :
1. tasmi' surah al-qadr (tambah 2 org lagi)
2. hadeeth ke-4
3. maza ya'ni (sampai perkara 13 - bab 1)
4. semasa : hari ashura dan taso'a

best: kegembiraan umat islam bila buat amalan bersama-sama
contoh: puasa 10 muharram sama-sama

semoga kita mendapat keberkatan, dan dikurniakan kekuatan
utk terus belajar tentang agama Islam yg suci dan mulia.


jazakumullah khaer

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:: Usrah Brothers ::

jam 9:00 malam ini
di Clarke
jom jom

-- research sket pasal muharram--

:: Selepas Zulhijjah Berlalu...Apa yang akan datang? ::

Assalaamua'laykum warahmatullah

Ha...dalam ke-bz an sebagai students di Case ni, mehlah kita take a break jap.

Tahukah anda kita sudah menghampiri penghujung bulan mulia Zulhijjah? Bererti sudah semakin dekat dengan penghujung tahun 1424 AH. =(

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"The year is twelve months of which four are sacred, the three consecutive month Dhulqaidah, Dhulhijjah, and Muharram, and Rajab Mudar which comes between Jumaada and Shaaban (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 2958).

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"The best of fasting after Ramadan is fasting Allah's month of Muharram." (reported by Muslim, 1982).

InshaAllah, bulan mulia yang satu lagi, MUHARRAM, akan datang menjenguk. Jom baca keistimewaan Muharam. InshaAllah dengan sedikit pengetahuan yang ada bolehlah kita menggunakan peluang yang ada dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Baca yer, kalau tak...nanti melepas peluang emas ini. Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada gunanya [^_^].

[p/s: 'Hati' kita perlukan 'udara' yang cukup untuk pernafasannya. Mari kita bersihkan saluran udara ke hati kita dengan taubah dan kita tambahkan kesegaran udaranya dengan ibadah yang ihsan lagi berpanjangan..inshaAllah]

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::What are We Doing for the sake of Allah Azzawajall?
[main points from syaikh Hamza's lecture] ::

Allah says:

"Amongs the people there are people who have taken idols besides Allah, but those who believe love Allah more than those people love their idols"

So, who are you worshipping?
Is it yourself?

What is your priorities?

If Allah ta'ala is low in ur list of priority, you can be sure that YOU ARE LOW in HIS prioriy.

Allah ta'ala is ONE god.
"this ummah is one ummah and I am the ONE god, and have taqwa for me and no one else"

How did u spend ur youth, ur health, ur wealth?

did u spend it backbitting? talking about investment and wealth and where are ur money going?

whoever loves a thing he'll mention it often. O you who believe, mention Allah because it is a sign you love Allah!

there's no faith for the one who has no love. Rasulullah is the beloved of Allah. He loved Allah and Allah loves him.

Those who will enter paradise are the ones who completely surrendered to Allah and the ones who have the beautiful deeds.

The business of a muslim is to enter to the state of resignation with Allah ta'ala

Islam is the maqam of Ibraheem. The state of surrendering to Allah ta'ala. Stated in your heart and manifested by your limb.

"spread peace among you"
give salaam

Work together for righteousness and don't work together for wrong and aggression

Allah says to the people of book "u have nothing until u apply the torah and the injil"

"Afala ta'qilun?" Why don't you use your intellect?

"They cant hear, they cant see, they cant speak. speak truth to the people. Don't cheat to the people. Give trust to the people who have trust"

Make Quran the adornment of your heart. Make your house dar al-Islam

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:: Laporan ::

usrah baru-baru ini makin ramai datang
ez-muyam, 1951E, clarke, liya,storrs
[^_^]...usaha lagi!

aritu revise kembali
apa itu Islam
mengapa ia istimewa
apa tanggungjawab di sebaliknya
pentingnya niat
pentingnya ittiba'
yang betul

ideal muslimah
selalu aware tentang tuhannya
always pray five times a day
on time without delay

lepas usrah
ada yang ke 1951E

moga Allah sirami kita dengan redhaNya
dapat kesungguhan dan kekuatan
untuk mengamalkan deen ini
dengan tetap dan terus

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:: Laporan ::

usrah malam tadi makin ramai datang
ya Allah.. terasa sangat seronoknya tgk ramai datang
alangkah indah perpaduan dan persaudaraan itu
sekali lagi, Cutler rekod 100%
perkembangan yg sangat menarik
rumah 123rd dan 126th pun 100%

semalam melajukan speed sikit
cerita pasal Hadeeth Jibril
dan keistimewaan 10 hari Zulhijjah

lepas usrah ade donut
lepas donut ke Arabica

semoga usrah memberikan sentuhan kefahaman
kepada semua yg hadir...
kepada yg tak dapat datang.. i know you are quite busy at the moment
inshaallah pada masa hadapan kite bersama okeh!!
you'll know then, that brotherhood is so beautiful... indeed...

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:: Usrah lagi dan lagi ::

Brothers... malam ni kite usrah jom!!
sape nak tawar diri jadi tuan rumah?
Storrs kite lame dah tak ziarah ni?
tuan rumah ok ke?


(nanti kite letak shoutbox yg dah siap sini yek..
tak paste lagi code die

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:: Murtad sambut hari kekasih mirip agama Kristian ::

KUALA LUMPUR 11 Feb. - Umat Islam yang meraikan Hari Memperingati Kekasih pada 14 Februari boleh dianggap murtad atau terkeluar daripada Islam jika cara melakukannya mirip dengan agama asal perayaan itu, Kristian.

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:: USrah SiSterS Again!! ::

Assalaamua'laykum warahmatullah
USRAH :: Saturday February 14, 2004
Clarke Tower @ 730pm
[p/s: klu nak gi tower city tuh...pegi awal dan balik awal la erk...bule dak? ehe]
InshaAllah...good luck with exams etc.

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:: USrah SiSterS ::

Assalaamu a'laykum Warahmatullah ya Camarians

Alhamdulillah, semalam sisters dah berjaya untuk duduk bersama di dalam usrah. Thanks pada Mai, Adda, Faiz, Intan, Illid, dan Wahid yang datang. Jazaakum Allahu khaeer.

Kesimpulan :- Usaha untuk memperbaiki kualiti diri sebagai hamba Allah ta'ala perlulah berterusan. Walau sekecil manapun, ianya tetap merupakan satu sumbangan berharga terhadap diri sendiri, keluarga, agama dan masyarakat.

:: Purification of the soul and the plight of the muslim nation today(Part I) By Jamaaluddin Zarabozo ::

Currently, one may hear a great deal of discussion concerning the plight of the Muslims and what needs to be done to resolve the many problems in today's Muslim world and elsewhere. Many Muslims cannot figure out why they, given that the Muslims have the true religion, are facing the difficulties that they are currently facing. Muslims are, inded, facing grave difficulties today. Many times, it seems as though the blood and honor of a Muslim is worth absolutely nothing today-even to those people who make a great show of claiming to believe in and stand for human rights. This seems to be a very dire plight that contemporary Muslims are experiencing. Unfortunately, though, the solutions for those problems are sometimes not understood by many Muslims.

Inn trying to solve the problems of the Muslim Ummah, some Muslims have emphasized the material aspect while others emphasize some kind of "democratic" political approach.The first grooup sees the entire problem as a result of the military-caliphate weakness of the Muslims. Once this problem can be resolved, the Muslims will have the physical strength to defeat their worldly enemies and establish the caliphate and so forth. Indeed, establishing the caliphate is the overall goal in life for many of these people, virtually ignoring the more general concept of purification of the soul in the meantime. On the other hand, the others see the plight of the Muslim Ummah as a a result of the Muslims estranging themselves from contemporary civilization. If the Muslims would simply compromise with the other ideologies of the world and accept some of what the request, the differing parties or ideologies would be able to live in peace, with the Muslims having their own states to run their own internal affairs. Others attempt to combine these two approaches and emphasize Muslim unity wherein the different Muslim countries as they are today should come together to forge a military and politically strong entity. This should then resolve the current plight of the Muslims of today.

In the light of the teachings of the Qur'an, however, it seems very clear that the problems faced by the Muslims are the result of the actions that they themselves are performing. Every believer must realize and believe with certainty that victory and support come only from Allah

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:: Usrah Brothers ::

Jazakallah khaer kepada yg datang usrah td
(Rashid, Amir, Azad, Imran, Omar, Kerm,
Juwe, Momon, Nuar, Dolah, Kapten,
Ustaz, Enipo, Hariz, Azzam, Zul)
-tahniah Cutler kehadiran 100% lagi

semoga malaikat membacakan nama ibu bapa kalian
(seperti yg dijanjikan)
sepanjang berada dalam majlis ilmu
yg merupakan taman-taman syurga

target this week:
1. Mcm mana nak jadikan satu perbuatan sbg ibadah
cth : ketika makan ramai-ramai, duduk-duduk, study, beriadah dsb

2. Mcm mana nak terbitkan matlamat kehidupan dalam diri
supaya jelas ke manakah hala tuju - tidak lagi kabur dan kelam
penting!! menyedari org muda juga boleh meninggal dunia

sekian laporan usrah brothers
jazakumullah khaeran katheera

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:: ::

Assalamua'laykum warahmatullah

MashaAllah...begitu aktif dan rancak usrah muslimin CAMAR. Nampaknya sisters agak jauh ketinggalan dari segi komitmen =) . Nampaknya ini satu cabaran positif bagi cik kak - cik kak CAMAR ;)

Sabtu - Feb 7th 2004 -
Clarke Tower - 730pm -

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:: Usrah Feb 6th 2004 ::

Venue : Storrs (3rd floor)
Time : 9:00 pm

Please bring you note book,
as well as tafseer / translation of the Quran.

Jazakumullah khaeran katheera

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:: Perkembangan Terkini! ::

Dengan meningkatnya jumlah blogspot sahabat² universiti lain
usrah @ camar terpanggil utk sama² berjuang
dalam memartabatkan Islam sebagai cara kita berhadapan dengan
dunia yg semakin mencabar hari demi hari.
Berusahalah CaMaR!!

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