CaMaR : A Journey to be better muslims

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:: SALES!!!!!!!!!!! ::
Limited Time Offer!

October 15th - November 14th ONLY!
Do one good deed Get multiple rewards!!!
Hurry before you miss it!

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:: The Tongue: Walking The Talk All the Way to Jannah::

by Imam Mukhtar Maghroui
ISNA 41st Lecture series

+ Much speaking hardens the heart
-> taking us away from Allah

+ Lying? : We shouldn't lie, but we do lie
-> Rasulullah salallahu a'laihi wa salam despised kazzib (liar)

+ Learn to listen more than we learn to speak
-> we don't learn to use our tongues wisely if we do not learn to be silent,
we do not learn to be silent if we do not learn to be in zikr continuously

->> Practice to be silent to speak Wise

+ If internally you desire to be silent,
Then You may speak,
If internally you desire to speak,
Then, You may be silent

:: Quiz, QUIZ, Quiz ::

Another question for your 'ilm :
Who were the three non-prophets whose names are mentioned with due respect in the Qur'an?

Zaid was the only COMPANION mentioned in the Quran, but these three names are mentioned with DUE RESPECT in the Qur'an (notice the difference):

1- Luqman al-hakim [31:12-13]
2- Iskandar Zulqarnain [16:83]
3- Aziz of Egypt [12:30,51]

Allah azzawajal a'lam

Ramadhan Mubarak~

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:: Jadual Terawikh Muslimin ::
Insya Allah tadarus menyusul slps terawikh & moreh jugak

Assalamualaikum,Setelah dibincang dalam usrah, ni adalah senarai tempat untuk tarawih berjamaah. sesape yang ada peluang ke masjid uqbah dialu-alukan ke sana.
Isyak = 8.15 mlmTarawih = 8.35 malam(waktu berubah2 mengikut kesesuaian)
minggu1 [10/14-10/20] = enip/zul
minggu2 [10/21-10/28] = staley
minggu3 [10/29-11/04] = abal/payen/drummer
minggu4 [11/05-sebelum raya] = gomonad

disebabkan kesempitan ruang untuk semua melayu maka telah dipersetujui muslimin bertarawih asing dgn muslimat. InsyaAllah semua dapat datang.Ada cadangan, bantahan, sila email.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al Mubarak

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Pernahkan anda melihat ulat bulu sebelum ini? adakah anda terasa geli terhadap ulat tersebut?
Pernahkah anda melihat rama-rama? adakah anda suka melihatnya?

Ulat bulu dan rama-rama ini boleh diibaratkan seperti seorang insan sebelum dan sesudah Ramadhan al-mubarak. Dia memasuki bulan Ramadhan dengan keadaan seorang hamba yang kotor dan menjijikkan. Dan didalam bulan Ramadhan, dia tinggal di dalam kepompong ibadahnya dan menawan nafsunya dengan penuh kepayahan yang diiringi dengan kesungguhan.

Akhirnya, dia keluar daripada Ramadhan seperti rama-rama yang indah. Keluar terbang mengepak-ngepakkan sayapnya dan hinggap di bunga yang manis bermadu. Insan itu terbang jauh dari keadaannya yang penuh maksiat dan kejahatan kepada kemanisan ibadah dan iman di hatinya.

:: Usrah di kala IFR ::

Rakan di RPI ber IFR, kita di Case tak bleh la ketinggalan.
Kami mengadakan usrah, walaupun tanpa kehadiran exco, sedare Rasyid yg ke IFR.

Alhamdulillah semasa tasmi' kita dapat 2 org lagi yg sudah berjaya menghafal surah Al-Qari'ah. Yang lain tidak kurang gigih berusaha dengan harapan akan berjaya menghafal by minggu hadapan.

Selepas tasmi' kami membuat review surah al-Qari'ah dengan tema "al-Qari'ah: Revisited"

Kemudian masuk kepada silibus yg sudah hampir habis bahagian satu daripada buku "Apa Erti Saya Menganut Islam". Kali ini membincangkan bagaimana syaitan mempengaruhi manusia, dan bagaimanakah caranya untuk mengatasi kaedah2 tersebut. Ada 10 kaedah yang dibentangkan... nak tahu?? perlulah rujuk Maza Ya'ni lagi.. =)

Kemudian kami mula membentangkan buku "A Misconception of Rights in Islam" yang akan dikupas lebih lanjut pada masa-masa yang akan datang. Buku/Kitab ini inshaallah kan memberikan kita input yang sangat berguna bagi membetulkan tanggapan umat manusia terhadap Islam.. bahkan mungkin kita sendiri pun sedang mengalami kemelut yg sama...

Ingin tahu??
usrah 2 minggu dr sekarang
(Usrah minggu depan diganti dengan program berbuka puasa dan solat taraweeh bersama ustaz Zaki Hussin)

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:: IFR @ RPI ::
Ramadhan: Vehicle of Eternal Change

( 2nd revision, akan cuba di habis kan secepat mungkin, insya Allah. sapa2 yg nak tambah isi tu..disilakan or btolkan mana yg salah.)

1. Ramadhan: Remind, Reflect, Repeat and Reorient.
by Imam Ahmad Kobeisy

-The Prophet said to his companions," It will be common in one time, the one who is holding to the religion, as if he is holding a lid of charcoal in his hand' - menerangkan skrg x popular menjadi muslim berbanding masa zaman nabi and susahnya utk menjaga Iman & Islam dr diri sesorang sbb factor2 environment dan diri sendiri.
-maybe it is easy to start in a right path but it is hard to continue on it.

+ It is not EASY being a muslim : It requires continous struggle throughout the life.
+ The only destination is the PLEASURE of ALLAH azzawajall.

- dr Ibn jauzi menceritakan' ada seorang alim, terpikat dgn seorang perempuan cantik yg tinggal disebelah masjid. and satu hari org alim tu pun berjumpa and propose kat perempuan tuy g dia nak kawen dgn nyer. perempuan tu kata dia x boleh kawen dgn laki tu sbb laki tu islam. and laki tu kata x kisah sbb islam benarkan. and perempuan tu balas, dia kata bapa nyer x kasik unless laki tu masuk laki tu masuk christian. perempaun tu suruh laki tu btolkan bumbung rumah, and tetiba laki tu jatuh dan mati .. Nauzubillah.
-kalo org buat baik, kita ucap thanks and balas budi Allah dah jadi kan kita, bg rezeki and segala2 kita kena balas...baik..x kan nak buat jahat? sentiasa igt tu...manusia dan jin dijadikan hanya utk worship Allah.

+ Allah's rights upon humanity : 1-Complete servitude 2- Complete gratitude (for Allah has created us (iijad-creation), He gave us intelligence,hearing, seeing, etc (i'dad-preparation), and He provides the sustenance (imdad-support)
+ Tips for getting the "whole of our lives" as 'ibadah :
1- do only good things : within the boundaries of mandatory and permissible
2- ikhlas and ihsan : everything is solely for the sake of Allah

How to be istiqamah?
-poetry berbunyi ' dispute your ownself and the syaitan and disobey them, they advise, you be sceptical and suspicious. Igt bhw ada suara2 jahat yg berbisik di hati kita... so berhatila2, selalunya kita tau itu adalah 'suara jahat', tp kita ignorance, degil and terikut2 dgn kwn2 dan environment.
-always read quran , baca hari2 walaupon sepotong ayat, sbb Allah suka kalo kita buat stau benda tu continuous dr buat sekali shj.
-have a good companion, who look after you bad deeds and lead you to be a better muslim. amek cth mudah. kalo kita duduk sebilik dgn Imam, sudah pasti kita akan cuba sedaya upaya utk jadi baik dgn dia. sembahyang pd waktu nya dan tak buat perkara2 maksiat...and yg pasti, imam tu akan sentiasa encourage and igtkan kita pd perkara2 kebaikan, and sekaligus kita pon lama2 jadi baik, hati jadi lembut and mudah utk buat benda2 baik

+ Session 1: Ramadhan : Rediscovering My True Self
: associated to Allah and exclussively FOR Allah

- Allah will reward accordingly
- ordered on every natio
- a 'chance' that is given to the servants of Allah azzawajall

#Allah has given five things to the nations of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which no other nations had :
1- The 1st night of Ramadhan : Allah looks at the people who intended to fast with the ain al-rahmah (the sight of mercy)
2-The smell of the breath of the fasting person is more beloved to Allah than the smell of the musk.
3-The angles of Allah taala ask for those who fast, that Allah forgive them everyday and everynight in the month of Ramadhan.
4- Allah commands the jannah to decorate itself for those who fast.
5- In the last night of Ramadhan, Allah forgives everyone who has fasted sincerely to Allah

# 2 levels of saum (fasting) :
i) Saum al-umum ( the fast of lay people)
ii) Saum al-khusus ( the fast of the 'special' person) : they protect themselves (their limbs) from all of the haram and makruh things, ghaddu basar (controlling the eyesights)

# Hadeeth Qudsi : The nadrah(sight) is one of the ballad(weapon) of shaytan. Whoever controls his sight for the fear of Allah, Allah says, "I wil substitute the thing which he denied himself with the sweetness of iman in his heart."

Session 2: After Ramadhan by Ustaz Fadhli
-pd zaman jahilliah org arab tawaf dgn naked, and lps tu diorg kena pakai org2 arab pon jual baju and air and dpt untung..mekah jadik tpt commercial rather than spiritual place.
-Khusyuk dlm solat
- wear comfortable clothing
- bersedia and kalo nak garu tu baik garu before angkat takbir
-standup and stand comfortably
-Iktikaf. satu hari Ibn Abbas bersolat kat masjid nabi...ada sorang ni pandang jer dr jauh. then dia nampak ada org pergi ke arah Ibn Abbas and lps tu Ibn Abbas pon beransur and stop dr Iktikaf nyer. so org tu hairan, dia pun tanya kenapa keluar dr Iktikaf and Ibn Abbas jwb dia mendgr RasulAllah kata 'whoever fulfills hthe need of a brother, the reward is same as an iktikaf'. Di mana pahala iktikaf sama dgn 7 heavens far away from jahannam.

Forum : Session 3:: Ramadhan: Relieving the Spirit of Eternal Change Produced by the Sahabah.

-our first enemy is our evil self.
-this requires a great jihad(inner struggle) to defeat the nafs
-fasting is the best way to overcome our evilself
-' the more you give nafs ( nafsu), the more it wants and it wants evil things '
-we need guidance (intelligent) , we can overcome our evilself
-fasting is an education to strenghten our will
-nafs is like a fly and it likes dirty things
-bee likes flower --> and we should be like the bee

4 Levels of fasting by Imam Al Ghazali
level 1- Iktikaf = duduk seharian di masjid and hanya remember Allah and tinggalkan urusan duniawi
level 2- fasting of the heart -hati turut puasa
level 3- fasting semua organ2 and deria -x tgk benda2 mungkar, x dgr benda2 x baik, jaga lidah and etc
level 4- fasting dgn perut lapar ---lapar shj :(


Abu Ayub Al Ansari adalah seorang sahabt yg te rkenal ketika penaklukan istanbul, separuh askar2 kata adalah mustahil utk semua askar2 ke sana and menang and berkemungkinan half dr mereka akan syahid ini berdasarkan ayat quran yg bermaksud
' O believers, dont throw yourselves into danger with your own hand '.
mendgr akan kata2 itu Abu khalid pun bgtau 'apakah yg kamu katkan itu? dia pun menceritakan bahawa ayat itu turuns emasa perang khaybar ketika dia masih hidup dan berada disisi Nabi.
after Mekah and khaibar were conquer, askar2 pon sudah and penat and gave up with all these suffering and sacrificing. so diorg pon kta diorg nak enjoy dr pergi perang. selepas itu Allah pun turunkan ayat ini....
danger dlm ayat ini bermaksud seeking for comfort!
mendengar ayat ini, semua para sahabat bertaubat and berasa kecewa dgn diri masing2. and mereka pon pledged, bahawa mereka akan sebarkan Islam sehingga syahid. Cth Ibn Abbas ke Azerbaijan and berdakwah ke situ. and Azerbaijan ada snow..and Ibn Abbas prayed on the snow during his stay there because He was avoiding comfort!.
Abu Ayyub pun nasihatkan askar2 nyer...' I was in your path while I am alive and when i am in death '-make sure kita mati dlm iman.

If you are the truebeliever, you are the highest. maksudnyer ia adalah fardhu kifayah utk umat islam menjadi yg terbaik dlm pelbagai bidang= Imam Al Ghazali.
-so kita kena blajar rajin2. kalo umat islam zaman2 para ulama dulu boleh membawa kpd kegemilangan islam dr segi science & tech serta dr segi dakwah Islamiyah. dua2 seiring skrg juga boleh..dan kitala ..sapa lagi.

1. satu2 nya Sahabat yg nama nya disebut dlm Quran
jwpn?- please msg me :) when you finish 'teka'/thinking/googling

+ Questions to ask ourselves : How old am I? -- How much time have I spent for myself? -- How much time do I have for Allah ta'ala?

++ For those who have joined the wonderful,meaningful trip to RPI, Jazakumullahu khaeer. Just remind yourself of the sayings of our beloved prophet, peace be upon him : "Whenever Allah wishes good for a person, He gives him/her the knowledge of Islam"

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:: Shaykh Mutawalli Ad-Darsh answers fiqh questions ::

Q: Are Tarawih prayers compulsory or optional? And How many Raka'ah do they consist of?

A: Tarawih are supererogatory prayers: they are strongly recommended and are Sunnah, not Wajib.

Regarding the number of Raka'ah, the idea that they number only eight is a relatively recent one. Traditionally, Muslims everywhere have offered twenty. This is inherited from the practice of the great caliph, Umar Ibn al-Khattab, during whose time there was no dispute on this issue.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "Follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided caliphs after me." And from the period of the Khulafa Rashidun there is a sound Hadith explaining how to perform Tarawih prayers. Umar found people offering Tarawih in different groups in the Prophet's mosque so he gathered them together under one imam, Ubay Ibn Ka'ab.

However, there is room for variation here. Some reports say that at the Prophet's mosque thirty-six Raka'ah were performed. Those who are on the side of eight depend upon a statement of Sayyida Aisha, in which she was talking about the night prayer, Tahajjud of the Prophet and not the Tarawih.

We take the standard which is twenty Raka'ah which is the same number prayed in the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah and in Madinah.

Shaykh Syed Mutawalli ad-Darsh
Faqih from Al-Azhar, Cairo
Chairman of the UK Shari'ah Counci

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:: Usrah Muslimin kali ke XXY ::
mana? = rumah Random #
bila?= dikala sejuk di luar

Alhamdulillah usrah di sambung.usrah kali ni diskusi tentang ramadhan.yeah..
Ahli usrah memberi komen2 pasal Ramadhan :)
-ada Lailatul Qadar
-boleh collect pahala sbb ganjaran berganda
-terawikh ( pastinya moreh jugak)
-tahan lapar dahaga & tak lupa semua deria2 kita and tingkah laku
-tahan marah sbb org puasa ni...senang jer nak marah....kalo ada org buat marah ckp ' saya sedang berpuasa'

Di akhir usrah kami discuss tentang plan tentative
- Terawikh Jemaah
--> Insya Allah akan buat terawikh kat rumah bahagia, rumah power, random dgn staley
--> lps terawikh 8 rakaat , cdg nak wat tadarus..besar ganjaran nya...dpt 2 ganjaran, satu sbb dgr ( and kita ikut baca), satu lagi sbb kita kena baca jugak...
--> sapa2 nak masak moreh ke,,,boleh shj
- cdgn lain?
--> sapa yg pergi terawikh kat Uqbah, sila laa war2 kan kpd semua...yeah! semoga kita sama2 dpt berkat...di cdgkan kpd sapa2 yg ada kereta...atau nak naik beskal sama2, atau adapun jln kaki hal...marila......biar ada wakil CaMaR kat uqbah every night...
---> iftar kat uqbah selalunyer jumaat..:) makan nasik & kambing...best2

Selain tu, kami jugak discuss tentang Lailatul Qadar...Lailatul Qadar ni kita kena carik...tiap2 malam....bnyk hadith kata malam 10 terakhir...ada kata yg semua malam sama jer.....kita kena carik, bnyk buat amal...kalo tak carik camner nak jumpa?
mcm juga kalo kita jalan2 kat kg nak carik buluh.....kalo setakat jalan jer and tau buluh apa yg nak diguna utk buat lemang , x guna kalo kita tak pergi redah hutan belantara tu dgn membawa kapak & dipisau serta sedikit bekalan bg mendapatkan buluh itulaa beza nya Muslim yg mau mencari mlm Lailatul Qadar dgn yg hanya meneka dan berkira2 bila malam tersebut.
so? marilah mencari lailatul Qadar dgn solat terawikh, jaga puasa, dan berjaga malam...( dicdgkan tido lps isyak then bgn utk subuh)...

akhir kalam...usrah di tutup dgn ucapan ' Sapa nak gi IFR? , marilah....'

::syaaban yg bersisa ::


Subject: syaaban yg bersisa


Assalamua'alaykum warahmatullah

Telah maklum bagi kita bagaimana Syaaban menjadi bulan
yang hampir dilupakan oleh umat Islam. Dalam
keghairahan menanti ketibaan Ramadhan, kita lupa
betapa besarnya ganjaran bagi kita pabila mengamalkan
puasa sunat dalam bulan Syaaban ini.

Berpuasa Syaaban merupakan sunnah junjungan mulia
Rasulullah s.a.w. Maka tidak seharusnya kita
meninggalkan amalan yang sebegini besar.

Bagi sahabat di Amerika Syarikat ini, kita dihidangkan
Allah dengan tempoh masa yang singkat untuk berpuasa
pada tahun ini memandangkan ketika bulan Syaaban dan
Ramadhan 1425H, malamnya adalah lebih sekejap
berbanding siang harinya. Bagi segolongan Muslim,
mereka berasa sedih kerana tempoh mereka berpuasa dan
berasa dekat kepada Allah lebih singkat; manakala bagi
segolongan yang lain pula, mereka berasa gembira
dengan kependekan masa untuk berpuasa ini, yang mana
bagi mereka, puasa menjadi satu amalan yang tidak
membebankan mereka.

Dalam golongan mana sekalipun anda berada, usahlah
dilupakan puasa Syaaban. Kerjakanlah sedaya yang
termampu. Jangan pula kita menganggapnya satu
kewajipan, sebaliknya jadikanlah ia sebagai amalan
untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Pencipta kita dan
menurut panduan dan contoh yang ditunjukkan penghulu
kita, nabi Muhammad s.a.w

Semoga Syaaban yang masih bersisa ini tidak kita
abaikan. Kerana sesungguhnya dalam setahun itu,
Syaaban hanya sekali.


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:: Are Kosher products Halal? ::

This is a question that comes up once in a while. Let us take the time to provide a thorough analysis. In Islam, Halal means ëlawfulí or ëpermittedí and refers to all matters of life, not just food. In the same way, haram means ëunlawfulí or ëprohibitedí and refers to all matters of life, not just food. So it is proper to refer to pure foods, marriage to a cousin, having marital relations during the nights of Ramadan, etc. as being Halal. In the same light, it is proper to refer to pork, marriage to your sister or brother, hunting while in the Sacred Precincts or in Pilgrim garb (for Haj or Umrah), shameful deeds, etc. as being haram.

When it comes to meat and poultry, Muslims also use the term Zabiha (Dhabiha) to refer to meat from a Halal animal slaughtered by a Muslim in the prescribed Islamic way. (Meat from haram animals does not become Halal, even if it is slaughtered in the prescribed Islamic way. And a Muslim would never slaughter a haram animal.)
Kosher is a term associated only with food. It has a similar meaning as Halal does in the context of food, but there are also many differences. Some of the differences are listed below:

Islam prohibits all intoxicants, including alcohols, liquors and wines, whereas Judaism regards alcohol and wines as Kosher. Hence Kosher foods may contain alcohol. If they do, they are haram.

Gelatin is considered Kosher by many Jews regardless of its source of origin. For Muslims, if gelatin is prepared from swine it is haram. Even if gelatin is prepared from cows that are not Zabiha, many scholars consider it haram.

Kosher practice does not require Jews to pronounce the name of God on the animals while slaughtering, but Muslims must pronounce the name of ALLAH on all animals while slaughtering.

There may be other differences between Halal and Kosher that make the Kosher questionable for Muslims to consume.
These differences may seem minor to some. However, indulging in haram is a very serious offense against ALLAH and the punishment may be severe. Consuming alcohol or pork is a clear violation of ALLAHís commandments and should not be taken lightly. The pronouncement of the name of ALLAH at the time of slaughter is also a major act of worship and obedience. Remembering and pronouncing the name of ALLAH is very dear to Muslims and it is required at the time of slaughter. Not only is it an act of worship. It also is the key to many blessings and bounties. One can easily taste the difference in meat slaughtered while pronouncing the name of ALLAH and meat slaughtered without pronouncing the name of ALLAH.

And ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, knows best.

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::Sisters ::

Have you ever been to a gathering where you heard the people in the gathering recited the Quran and then someone from among them shared his/her knowledge on the ayahs recited? And the people were smiling, with cheerful faces following the sunnah of Rasulullah pbuh. No long faces and they were having fun in learning the deen. Well, this is just a glimpse of how wonderful our usrah was last night. =) .

Alhamdulillah, wahid bess! Sebelum usrah wahid pi pick up sume2 sisters yang dok off south side. Berkesan la technique ni sbb orang tend to not to come if we expected them to come by walking/themselves. "No energy lah", "penat lah", "keluar dating lah" (woops....but, isn't this a reality? correct me if I were wrong)

Venue : Howe Time : unknown, sometimes after 9pm
Menu : honey dew, seedless grapes,popcorn, etc
Mc : fatin Tazkirah : pa'an
Focus : 1- Surah at-Tin 2-Islamic Manners 3-Sisters talk

1- Surah at-tin (95)
Alhamdulilah, this is the third surah hafazan. Fatin pon mengintroduce dan mempersilakan wahid utk meng-conduct usrah. Then, baca surah ni beramai-ramai b4 wahid share the explanations abt the surah.
According to Wahid(from her reading of the Tafsir Ibn Kathir), in the 1st ayah Allah mentions at-tin and az-zaitun. [These are the two fruits: tin (fig) and zaitun (olive) ]. It is believed that at-tin in the ayah refers to the Mount Judi which is related to Nabi Nuh a'laihi salam. There were a lot of figs there. Then, az-zaitun refers to Baitulmaqdis which is related to Nabi Isa a'laihi salam. There were a lot of olives there. In the 2nd ayah, Allah mentions the Mount of Sinin (Sinai), the place where prophet Musa a'laihi salam first talked to Allah azzawajall. In the 3rd ayah, Allah mentions Mecca(Mekkah), which is the peaceful place and the homeland of Rasulullah pbuh.
These places are mentioned in the order of their importance and in the order of the events (Nuh-Musa-Isa-Muhammad) existence in time.

Then, in the following ayahs, Allah mentions about the status of man : all equal and only differed by the levels of their iman and good deeds (amal).
Lessons : if we do practice: we are the noblest creature - if we dont practice Islam : Allah will put us "to the lowest of low" , = with the greatest humiliation.
And at the closing, Allah ta'ala ask us "Is not Allah the Best of judges? ". so, always remember that "segunung alasan = meaningless"

+ If you are a believer, practice the religion wholeheartedly.
+ Allah will no come to us if we DONT want to come to HIM
+ Rasulullah used to recite this surah in solah during travelling. (jom amal sunnah!!)

2- Islamic Manners by Pa'an
Akhirnya, dapat jugak beramah mesra dengan pa'an =)..dan pa'an pun berkongsi ..
1-ketuk pintu/picit doorbell dgn sopan, bagi salam before masuk rumah
2-ketuk perlahan2 dan bg salam perlahan2 time org tidur
3-tunggu di tepi pintu (kanan or kiri) instead of tunggu betul2 depan pintu tu
4-ketuk 3 kali : jarak ketukan tu, budget2la spy tuan rumah sempat habiskan keja die i.e solat etc. Klu after 3 kali tuan rumah x jawab, balik je. Datang lain kali.
5- masuk kaki kanan baca bismillah
6- apa lagi yah?

+ practice what we have learnt. Otherwise, the knowledge is useless and we'll be accountable for that.

3. Sisters talk
Tak dapat dikongsi di sini. Cukup untuk orang-orang yang datang semalam jer =). a'sifah jiddan!

Terima kasih Wahid, terima kasih pa'an, terima kasih fatin, terima kasih adda mai pai muyam lia ... Moga Allah eratkan tali persaudaraan ini dengan berkat ilmuNya.

kesimpulan : MashaAllah..usrah semalam memang OOO Yeahhhhhhh!

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:: "The Traditional Monkey" ::

It all started with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, a banana was hung on a string and a set of stairs was placed under it. Before long, a monkey went to the stairs and started to climb towards the banana.

As soon as he touched the stairs, all of the other monkeys were sprayed with cold water. After a while, another monkey made an attempt with the same result - all the other monkeys were sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, anytime another monkey tried to climb the stairs, the other monkeys tried to prevent it.

After a couple of days, the cold water was removed. One monkey was removed from the cage and replaced with a new one. The new monkey saw the banana and wanted to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attacked him. After another attempt and attack, he knew that if he tried to climb the stairs, he would be assaulted.

Next, another of the original five monkeys was removed and replaced it with a new one. The newcomer went to the stairs and was attacked. The previous newcomer took part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, a third original monkey was replaced with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth.

Every time the newest monkey took to the stairs, he was attacked. Most of the monkeys that were beating him had no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they were participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys had ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approached the stairs to try for the banana.

Why not?

Because as far as they know, that's the way it's always been done around here.

And that, is how most of our rituals and customs began.

Author: Unknown


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