:: IFR @ RPI ::
Ramadhan: Vehicle of Eternal Change
( 2nd revision, akan cuba di habis kan secepat mungkin, insya Allah. sapa2 yg nak tambah isi tu..disilakan or btolkan mana yg salah.)
1. Ramadhan: Remind, Reflect, Repeat and Reorient.
by Imam Ahmad Kobeisy
-The Prophet said to his companions," It will be common in one time, the one who is holding to the religion, as if he is holding a lid of charcoal in his hand' - menerangkan skrg x popular menjadi muslim berbanding masa zaman nabi and susahnya utk menjaga Iman & Islam dr diri sesorang sbb factor2 environment dan diri sendiri.
-maybe it is easy to start in a right path but it is hard to continue on it.
+ It is not EASY being a muslim : It requires continous struggle throughout the life.
+ The only destination is the PLEASURE of ALLAH azzawajall.
- dr Ibn jauzi menceritakan' ada seorang alim, terpikat dgn seorang perempuan cantik yg tinggal disebelah masjid. and satu hari org alim tu pun berjumpa and propose kat perempuan tuy g dia nak kawen dgn nyer. perempuan tu kata dia x boleh kawen dgn laki tu sbb laki tu islam. and laki tu kata x kisah sbb islam benarkan. and perempuan tu balas, dia kata bapa nyer x kasik unless laki tu masuk christian...so laki tu masuk christian. perempaun tu suruh laki tu btolkan bumbung rumah, and tetiba laki tu jatuh dan mati .. Nauzubillah.
-kalo org buat baik, kita ucap thanks and balas budi baiknyer....so Allah dah jadi kan kita, bg rezeki and segala2 nyer....so? kita kena balas...baik..x kan nak buat jahat? sentiasa igt tu...manusia dan jin dijadikan hanya utk worship Allah.
+ Allah's rights upon humanity : 1-Complete servitude 2- Complete gratitude (for Allah has created us (iijad-creation), He gave us intelligence,hearing, seeing, etc (i'dad-preparation), and He provides the sustenance (imdad-support)
+ Tips for getting the "whole of our lives" as 'ibadah :
1- do only good things : within the boundaries of mandatory and permissible
2- ikhlas and ihsan : everything is solely for the sake of Allah
How to be istiqamah?
-poetry berbunyi ' dispute your ownself and the syaitan and disobey them, they advise, you be sceptical and suspicious. Igt bhw ada suara2 jahat yg berbisik di hati kita... so berhatila2, selalunya kita tau itu adalah 'suara jahat', tp kita ignorance, degil and terikut2 dgn kwn2 dan environment.
-always read quran , baca hari2 walaupon sepotong ayat, sbb Allah suka kalo kita buat stau benda tu continuous dr buat sekali shj.
-have a good companion, who look after you bad deeds and lead you to be a better muslim. amek cth mudah. kalo kita duduk sebilik dgn Imam, sudah pasti kita akan cuba sedaya upaya utk jadi baik dgn dia. sembahyang pd waktu nya dan tak buat perkara2 maksiat...and yg pasti, imam tu akan sentiasa encourage and igtkan kita pd perkara2 kebaikan, and sekaligus kita pon lama2 jadi baik, hati jadi lembut and mudah utk buat benda2 baik
+ Session 1: Ramadhan : Rediscovering My True Self
#Fasting : associated to Allah and exclussively FOR Allah
- Allah will reward accordingly
- ordered on every natio
- a 'chance' that is given to the servants of Allah azzawajall
#Allah has given five things to the nations of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which no other nations had :
1- The 1st night of Ramadhan : Allah looks at the people who intended to fast with the ain al-rahmah (the sight of mercy)
2-The smell of the breath of the fasting person is more beloved to Allah than the smell of the musk.
3-The angles of Allah taala ask for those who fast, that Allah forgive them everyday and everynight in the month of Ramadhan.
4- Allah commands the jannah to decorate itself for those who fast.
5- In the last night of Ramadhan, Allah forgives everyone who has fasted sincerely to Allah
# 2 levels of saum (fasting) :
i) Saum al-umum ( the fast of lay people)
ii) Saum al-khusus ( the fast of the 'special' person) : they protect themselves (their limbs) from all of the haram and makruh things, ghaddu basar (controlling the eyesights)
# Hadeeth Qudsi : The nadrah(sight) is one of the ballad(weapon) of shaytan. Whoever controls his sight for the fear of Allah, Allah says, "I wil substitute the thing which he denied himself with the sweetness of iman in his heart."
Session 2: After Ramadhan by Ustaz Fadhli
-pd zaman jahilliah org arab tawaf dgn naked, and lps tu diorg kena pakai baju..so org2 arab pon jual baju and air and dpt untung..mekah jadik tpt commercial rather than spiritual place.
-Khusyuk dlm solat
- wear comfortable clothing
- bersedia and kalo nak garu tu baik garu before angkat takbir
-standup and stand comfortably
-Iktikaf. satu hari Ibn Abbas bersolat kat masjid nabi...ada sorang ni pandang jer dr jauh. then dia nampak ada org pergi ke arah Ibn Abbas and lps tu Ibn Abbas pon beransur and stop dr Iktikaf nyer. so org tu hairan, dia pun tanya kenapa keluar dr Iktikaf and Ibn Abbas jwb dia mendgr RasulAllah kata 'whoever fulfills hthe need of a brother, the reward is same as an iktikaf'. Di mana pahala iktikaf sama dgn 7 heavens far away from jahannam.
Forum : Session 3:: Ramadhan: Relieving the Spirit of Eternal Change Produced by the Sahabah.
-our first enemy is our evil self.
-this requires a great jihad(inner struggle) to defeat the nafs
-fasting is the best way to overcome our evilself
-' the more you give nafs ( nafsu), the more it wants and it wants evil things '
-we need guidance (intelligent) , we can overcome our evilself
-fasting is an education to strenghten our will
-nafs is like a fly and it likes dirty things
-bee likes flower --> and we should be like the bee
4 Levels of fasting by Imam Al Ghazali
level 1- Iktikaf = duduk seharian di masjid and hanya remember Allah and tinggalkan urusan duniawi
level 2- fasting of the heart -hati turut puasa
level 3- fasting semua organ2 and deria -x tgk benda2 mungkar, x dgr benda2 x baik, jaga lidah and etc
level 4- fasting dgn perut lapar ---lapar shj :(
Abu Ayub Al Ansari adalah seorang sahabt yg te rkenal ketika penaklukan istanbul, separuh askar2 kata adalah mustahil utk semua askar2 ke sana and menang and berkemungkinan half dr mereka akan syahid ini berdasarkan ayat quran yg bermaksud
O believers, dont throw yourselves into danger with your own hand '.
mendgr akan kata2 itu Abu khalid pun bgtau 'apakah yg kamu katkan itu? dia pun menceritakan bahawa ayat itu turuns emasa perang khaybar ketika dia masih hidup dan berada disisi Nabi.
after Mekah and khaibar were conquer, askar2 pon sudah and penat and gave up with all these suffering and sacrificing. so diorg pon kta diorg nak enjoy dr pergi perang. selepas itu Allah pun turunkan ayat ini....
danger dlm ayat ini bermaksud seeking for comfort!
mendengar ayat ini, semua para sahabat bertaubat and berasa kecewa dgn diri masing2. and mereka pon pledged, bahawa mereka akan sebarkan Islam sehingga syahid. Cth Ibn Abbas ke Azerbaijan and berdakwah ke situ. and Azerbaijan ada snow..and Ibn Abbas prayed on the snow during his stay there because He was avoiding comfort!.
Abu Ayyub pun nasihatkan askar2 nyer...' I was in your path while I am alive and when i am in death '-make sure kita mati dlm iman.
If you are the truebeliever, you are the highest. maksudnyer ia adalah fardhu kifayah utk umat islam menjadi yg terbaik dlm pelbagai bidang= Imam Al Ghazali.
-so kita kena blajar rajin2. kalo umat islam zaman2 para ulama dulu boleh membawa kpd kegemilangan islam dr segi science & tech serta dr segi dakwah Islamiyah. dua2 seiring sejalan..so skrg juga boleh..dan kitala ..sapa lagi.
1. satu2 nya Sahabat yg nama nya disebut dlm Quran
jwpn?- please msg me :) when you finish 'teka'/thinking/googling
+ Questions to ask ourselves : How old am I? -- How much time have I spent for myself? -- How much time do I have for Allah ta'ala?
++ For those who have joined the wonderful,meaningful trip to RPI, Jazakumullahu khaeer. Just remind yourself of the sayings of our beloved prophet, peace be upon him : "Whenever Allah wishes good for a person, He gives him/her the knowledge of Islam"