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::Starbucks, Victoria's Secret, Este Lauder???? ::
from [solidaritywithpalestine]

Funny you should ask, Fayyad, because a fellow JATO-nick and I are currently organizing a boycott campaign targetting just the companies you've mentioned.

The most important thing for everyone to remember is that many of the American consumer products companies who support Israel (by buying Israeli ingredients, manufacturing in Israel or marketing and distributing in Israel) are not all large congloms like the ones mentioned above. I'll get a detailed report when our project is about to launch.

For now, folks should know that Estee Lauder has many subsidiaries including:Clinique, Origins, Aveda, MAC (I know sorry), Prescriptives, Bobbi Brown and others. If you own products by any of these brands, send them back and stop buying them. If you don't already know, Ronald Lauder, who sits on the Board of Directors of Estee Lauder and is a major stockholder, is the President of the Jewish National Fund (the people who plant trees over ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages.

Victoria's Secret is owned by the same company that owns Bath and Body Works. (Bath and Body Works also buys Israeli Dead Sea salts for one of their bath products.)

I'll give you guys the full story once the project is organized.



-If we cannot afford going to the battlefield, this is our chance to help our Palestinians brothers and sisters ...

1 Responses to “”

  1. Blogger taufiq 

    du'a du'a

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